Source code for yael.mediatype

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8

Media Type constants.

__author__ = "Alberto Pettarin"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2015, Alberto Pettarin ("
__license__ = "MIT"
__version__ = "0.0.6"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Development"

[docs]class MediaType: """ Enumeration of Media Type constants. See the source code for the complete list. """ # EPUB 3 Core Media Types CSS = "text/css" GIF = "image/gif" JPEG = "image/jpeg" JPG = "image/jpeg" # alias JS = "text/javascript" MP3 = "audio/mpeg" # alias MP4_AUDIO = "audio/mp4" MPEG_AUDIO = "audio/mpeg" NCX = "application/x-dtbncx+xml" OTF = "application/" OTF_ALT = "application/x-font-opentype" OTF_ALT_2 = "application/font-otf" OTF_ALT_3 = "application/x-font-otf" PLS = "application/pls+xml" PNG = "image/png" SMIL = "application/smil+xml" SVG = "image/svg+xml" WOFF = "application/font-woff" WOFF_ALT = "application/x-font-woff" XHTML = "application/xhtml+xml" # other useful Media Types AAC = "audio/x-aac" AVI = "video/avi" BMP = "image/bmp" CSV = "text/csv" DJVU = "image/vnd.djvu" DTD = "application/xml-dtd" DVI = "application/x-dvi" EOT = "application/" EPUB = "application/epub+zip" FLAC = "audio/flac" FLV = "video/x-flv" GZIP = "application/gzip" HTML = "text/html" JSON = "application/json" MATROSKA = "video/x-matroska" MD = "text/x-markdown" MP4_VIDEO = "video/mp4" MPEG_VIDEO = "video/mpeg" OCTET_STREAM = "application/octet-stream" OGG = "audio/ogg" OPF = "application/oebps-package+xml" PDF = "application/pdf" PS = "application/postscript" QT = "video/quicktime" RDF = "application/rdf+xml" RSS = "application/rss+xml" RTF = "text/rtf" SFNT = "application/font-sfnt" SOAP = "application/soap+xml" SPEEX = "audio/speex" TAR = "application/x-tar" TIFF = "image/tiff" TTF = "application/x-font-ttf" TTF_ALT = "application/x-font-truetype" TXT = "text/plain" VORBIS = "audio/vorbis" WAV = "audio/vnd.wave" WEBM_AUDIO = "audio/webm" WEBM_VIDEO = "video/webm" WMV = "video/x-ms-wmv" XML = "application/xml" # or "text/xml" Z7 = "application/x-7z-compressed" ZIP = "application/zip" FONTS = [ EOT, OTF, OTF_ALT, OTF_ALT_2, OTF_ALT_3, SFNT, SVG, TTF, TTF_ALT, WOFF, WOFF_ALT ] CONTENT_DOCUMENTS = [ SVG, XHTML ] @staticmethod
[docs] def is_audio(media_type): """ Determine if the given Media Type is associated with an audio format. :param media_type: a Media Type string :type media_type: str :returns: True if `media_type` starts with `audio/` """ return media_type.startswith("audio/")
[docs] def is_content_document(media_type): """ Determine if the given Media Type is associated with an EPUB Content Document. :param media_type: a Media Type string :type media_type: str :returns: True if `media_type` is a format listed in `CONTENT_DOCUMENTS` """ return media_type in MediaType.CONTENT_DOCUMENTS
[docs] def is_font(media_type): """ Determine if the given Media Type is associated with a font format. :param media_type: a Media Type string :type media_type: str :returns: True if `media_type` is a format listed in `FONTS` """ return media_type in MediaType.FONTS
[docs] def is_image(media_type): """ Determine if the given Media Type is associated with an image format. :param media_type: a Media Type string :type media_type: str :returns: True if `media_type` starts with `image/` """ return media_type.startswith("image/")
[docs] def is_video(media_type): """ Determine if the given Media Type is associated with a video format. :param media_type: a Media Type string :type media_type: str :returns: True if `media_type` starts with `video/` """ return media_type.startswith("video/")