Source code for yael.util

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8

Common utility (static) functions.

import hashlib
import os
import re

from yael.obfuscation import Obfuscation

__author__ = "Alberto Pettarin"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2015, Alberto Pettarin ("
__license__ = "MIT"
__version__ = "0.0.6"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Development"

#: pattern to match viewport value `width=W, height=H`
VP_PATTERN_WH = re.compile(r"^width[ ]*=[ ]*([0-9\.]*)[ px]*,[ ]*height[ ]*=[ ]*([0-9\.]*)[ px]*$")

#: pattern to match viewport value `height=H, width=W`
VP_PATTERN_HW = re.compile(r"^height[ ]*=[ ]*([0-9\.]*)[ px]*,[ ]*width[ ]*=[ ]*([0-9\.]*)[ px]*$")

[docs]def directory_size(path): """ Compute the total size, in bytes, of all the files in the filesystem tree rooted at the given directory. :param path: the path of the root directory :type path: str :returns: the total size in bytes of the subtree rooted at `path` :type: integer """ total = 0 for dir_path, unused_dir_names, file_names in os.walk(path): for file_name in file_names: total += os.path.getsize(os.path.join(dir_path, file_name)) return total
[docs]def list_all_files(path): """ List all files in the filesystem tree rooted at the given directory. :param path: the path to the root directory :type path: str :returns: the list of files in the subtree rooted at `path` :type: list of str """ accumulator = [] if (path != None) and (os.path.exists(path)) and (os.path.isdir(path)): for dir_path, unused_dir_names, file_names in os.walk(path): for file_name in file_names: accumulator.append(os.path.join(dir_path, file_name)) return accumulator
[docs]def norm_join(path1, path2): """ Join the two given paths and normalize the result. :param path1: prefix path :type path1: str :param path2: suffix path :type path2: str :returns: the join of the two paths, normalized :rtype: str """ if (path1 == None) or (path2 == None): return None return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(path1, path2))
[docs]def norm_join_parent(path1, path2): """ Join the parent directory of path1 with path2 and normalize the result. :param path1: prefix path :type path1: str :param path2: suffix path :type path2: str :returns: the join of the parent directory of path1 with path2, and normalize (e.g., "a/../b/c" => "b/c") the result :rtype: str """ if (path1 == None) or (path2 == None): return None return norm_join(os.path.dirname(path1), path2)
[docs]def safe_strip(string): """ Strip the given string, dealing safely with None arguments. :param string: the string to be stripped :type string: str :returns: the stripped string (or None if string is None) :rtype: str """ if string != None: string = string.strip() return string
[docs]def safe_first(lis): """ Return the first element of the list, dealing safely with None or empty arguments. :param lis: a list of objects or values :type lis: list of object :returns: the first element of the list (or None if lis is None or empty) :rtype: object or value """ if (lis == None) or (len(lis) < 1): return None return lis[0]
[docs]def safe_len(lis): """ Return the number of elements of the list, dealing safely with non-list arguments. :param lis: a list of objects or values :type lis: list of object :returns: the length of the list (or -1 if lis is not a list) :rtype: int """ try: return len(lis) except: pass return -1
[docs]def query_xpath(obj, query, args, nsp, required=None, formatted_query=None): """ Perform an xpath query on an XML (`lxml`) node `obj`. The `query` template will be formatted using `args` and the namespaces `nsp`. (This works only in Python 2.6+.) If `required` is not None and the result is empty, raise an exception. If `formatted_query` is passed, use it instead of formatting `query` with `args`. (Useful if working in Python <2.6.) :param obj: the XML (`lxml`) node object :type obj: object :param query: a string template to be formatted with args :type query: str :param args: a list of arguments to format the query :type args: list of str :param nsp: namespace dictionary, mapping prefixes to namespace strings :type nsp: dict :param required: required element :type required: str :param formatted_query: a pre-formatted query :type formatted_query: str :returns: the matched XML node objects :rtype: list of object """ if formatted_query == None: xpath_query = query.format(*args) else: xpath_query = formatted_query result = obj.xpath(xpath_query, namespaces=nsp) if (required != None) and (len(result) < 1): raise Exception("Cannot find '%s' element" % required) return result
[docs]def parse_viewport_string(string): """ Parse the given viewport value and return the corresponding dictionary {"width": W, "height": H}. :param string: a viewport value :type string: str :returns: {"width": W, "height": H} or None if `string` is not valid :rtype: dict """ if string != None: match = VP_PATTERN_WH.match(string) if match != None: return {"width":, "height":} match = VP_PATTERN_HW.match(string) if match != None: return {"width":, "height":} return None
[docs]def split_reference(string): """ Split the given reference (BASE#F) and return a dictionary {"base": BASE, "fragment": F}. If there is no fragment, return {"base": BASE}. If the string is None, return {}. :param string: a reference :type string: str :returns: a dictionary containing base and fragment id :rtype: dict """ # TODO improve this if string != None: val = string.split("#") if len(val) == 2: return {"base": val[0], "fragment": val[1]} elif len(val) == 1: return {"base": val[0], "fragment": None} return {}
[docs]def is_valid(obj, allowed_class, single=True): """ If `single` is True, return True if `obj` is an instance of `allowed_class` or None. If `single` is False, return True if `obj` is a list (possibly, empty) of instances of `allowed_class`. :param obj: the object to be checked :type obj: object or list :param allowed_class: the allowed class :type allowed_class: class :param single: if True, obj must be a single object :type single: bool :returns: whether the given object is valid :rtype: bool """ if single: if obj == None: return True return isinstance(obj, allowed_class) else: if isinstance(obj, list): if len(obj) == 0: return True for element in obj: if not isinstance(element, allowed_class): return False return True return False
[docs]def obfuscate_data(data, key, algorithm): """ Obfuscate/deobfuscate data with the given key and algorithm. :param data: the data to be obfuscated/deobfuscated :type data: bytes :param key: the string to be used as the obfuscation key :type key: str :param algorithm: the algorithm to be used ("adobe" or "idpf") :type algorithm: str :rtype: bytes """ if algorithm == Obfuscation.ADOBE: outer_max = 64 inner_max = 16 clean_key = key clean_key = clean_key.replace(u"urn:uuid:", "") # TODO check this clean_key = clean_key.replace(u"-", "") clean_key = clean_key.replace(u":", "") digest = clean_key elif algorithm == Obfuscation.IDPF: outer_max = 52 inner_max = 20 clean_key = key clean_key = clean_key.replace(u"\u0020", "") clean_key = clean_key.replace(u"\u0009", "") clean_key = clean_key.replace(u"\u000d", "") clean_key = clean_key.replace(u"\u000a", "") try: # Python 2 digest = hashlib.sha1(clean_key).digest() except: # Python 3 digest = hashlib.sha1(clean_key.encode("utf-8")).digest() else: return None if type(data) == str: # Python 2 byte_data = bytearray(data) else: # Python 3 byte_data = data if type(digest) == str: # Python 2 key_data = bytearray(digest) else: # Python 3 key_data = digest key_size = len(key_data) i = 0 outer = 0 accumulator = bytearray() while (outer < outer_max) and (i < len(byte_data)): inner = 0 while (inner < inner_max) and (i < len(byte_data)): source_byte = byte_data[i] key_byte = key_data[inner % key_size] obfuscated_byte = source_byte ^ key_byte accumulator.append(obfuscated_byte) inner += 1 i += 1 outer += 1 while i < len(byte_data): accumulator.append(byte_data[i]) i += 1 return bytes(accumulator)
[docs]def clip_time_seconds(string): """ Convert the given clip time string in seconds (possibly with decimal digits). :param string: the clip time string to be converted :type string: str :returns: the clip time in seconds :rtype: float """ if (string == None) or (len(string) < 1): return 0 value = 0 if "ms" in string: value = float(string.replace("ms", "")) * 0.001 elif "s" in string: value = float(string.replace("s", "")) elif "h" in string: value = float(string.replace("h", "")) * 3600 elif "min" in string: value = float(string.replace("min", "")) * 60 else: v_h = 0 v_m = 0 v_s = 0 v_d = 0 str_hms = string if "." in str_hms: str_hms, str_d = str_hms.split(".") if len(str_d) > 0: v_d = 1.0 * int(str_d) / (10 ** len(str_d)) arr_hms = str_hms.split(":") v_n = len(arr_hms) if v_n >= 1: v_s = int(arr_hms[-1]) if v_n >= 2: v_m = int(arr_hms[-2]) if v_n >= 3: v_h = int(arr_hms[-3]) value = v_h * 3600 + v_m * 60 + v_s + v_d return value