
Parsing option constants.

class yael.parsing.Parsing[source]

Enumeration of parsing option constants to be used when creating a yael.publication.Publication by parsing a file or directory.

ASSET_REFS = 'asset_refs'

Resolve asset references. Default.

ENCRYPTION = 'encryption'

Parse META-INF/encryption.xml, if present. Default.

MEDIA_OVERLAY = 'media_overlay'

Parse the Media Overlay Documents (SMIL files), if present. Default.

MULTIPLE_RENDITIONS = 'multiple_renditions'

Parse META-INF/metadata.xml and Multiple Renditions, if present. Default.

NAV = 'nav'

Parse the Navigation Document, if present. Default.

NCX = 'ncx'

Parse the NCX TOC, if present. Default.

NO_ASSET_REFS = 'no_asset_refs'

Do not resolve asset references.

NO_ENCRYPTION = 'no_encryption'

Do not parse META-INF/encryption.xml.

NO_MEDIA_OVERLAY = 'no_media_overlay'

Do not parse the Media Overlay Documents (SMIL files).

NO_MULTIPLE_RENDITIONS = 'no_multiple_renditions'

Do not parse META-INF/metadata.xml and Multiple Renditions.

NO_NAV = 'no_nav'

Do not parse the Navigation Document.

NO_NCX = 'no_ncx'

Do not parse the NCX TOC.